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Sub-committee on Harbour Plan Review - Meetings

HEC Sub-committee on Harbour Plan Review
Nineteenth Meeting

Date : 28 November 2007 (Wednesday)
Time : 2:30 p.m.
Venue : Conference Room
15/F, North Point Government Offices,
333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong


  1. Election of Chairman
  2. Membership, Terms of Reference and Meeting Schedule of the Sub-committee (Paper No. 4/2007) (PDF, 96 KB)
  3. Report on Progress of On-going Tasks of the Sub-committee (Paper No. 5/2007, presented by the Secretary) (PDF, 91 KB)
  4. Signage at the Rooftop of the Citic Tower (Paper No. 6/2007, presented by DEFI Group Asia Limited) (PDF, 297 KB)
  5. Proposed Temporary Land Allocation for Outdoor Theatre Performances "Zingaro-Battuta" at the Reclamation Site next to Hung Hom Ferry Pier (Visual presentation by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong Arts Festival Society and Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust)
  6. Hung Hom District Study – Report on Stage 2 Public Engagement Programme (Paper No. 7/2007, presented by the Planning Department) (PDF, 23 KB)
  7. Any Other Business

Sub-committee on Harbour Plan Review
November 2007