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Sub-committee on Harbour Plan Review - Meetings

Audio record of the Thirtieth Meeting
Held on 4 November 2009


  1. Confirmation of Minutes of the 29th Meeting (3:32 mins, 858 KB)
  2. Matters Arising (10:59 mins, 2.57 MB)
  3. S16 Application for Residential Development at 14-30 King Wah Road (I.L.7106 s.B, s.C, R.P. and Portion of Extension to R.P. of I.L.7106) in CDA(1) Zone, North Point – TPB Application No. A/H8/398 (46:07 mins, 3.48 MB)
    (Paper No. 17/2009, Appendix A, by Pro Plan Asia Limited)
  4. PWP No. 9327WF - Laying of Western Cross Harbour Main and Associated Land Mains from West Kowloon to Sai Ying Pun - Landscape Works for the Affected Portion of the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade during the Construction Stage (42:17 mins, 3.19 MB)
    (Paper No. 18/2009, by Water Supplies Department)
  5. Amendments to the Approved Cha Kwo Ling, Yau Tong, Lei Yue Mun Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K15/17 (44:15 mins, 3.34 MB)
    (Paper No. 19/2009, by Planning Department)
  6. Any Other Business (3:27 mins, 840 KB)

Sub-committee on Harbour Plan Review
November 2009