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Audio record of the Twenty-fifth Meeting
held on 23 February 2009


  1. Harbour-front Enhancement Committee Briefing
    An Evaluation of 48 Leisure and Cultural Sites along Victoria Harbour, Suggestions for a Vibrant Hong Kong Harbourfront (29:22 mins, 5.04 MB)
  2. Confirmation of Minutes of the 24th Meeting (0:40 mins, 118 KB)
  3. Progress Reports from the Sub-committee/Task Groups (Paper No. 1-3/2009) (42:42 mins,
    7.33 MB)
  4. Matters Arising (2:35 mins, 455 KB)
  5. Kai Tak Development Implementation Plan and Progress Update on Infrastructure Works under Design (Paper No. 4/2009) (1:22:43 hr, 14.1 MB)
  6. Any Other Business (15:23 mins, 2.64 MB)
    Issues proposed Mr Paul Zimmerman:
    (a) Transport infrastructure and the harbourfront;
    (b) Promenade design concepts; and
    (c) Harbourfront enhancement budget and requests

Secretariat, Harbour-front Enhancement Committee
March 2009