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Audio record of the Twentieth Meeting
held on 29 April 2008


  1. Harbour-front Enhancement Committee briefing -
    Four Tourists and Hong Kong's Harbourfront: A Survey of the Waterfront of Victoria Harbour
    (by four students of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, the USA/Harbour Business Forum/Designing Hong Kong)
    (38:35 mins, 8.83 MB)
  2. Confirmation of minutes of the nineteenth meeting (0:44 mins, 130 KB)
  3. Progress reports from the three Sub-committee/Task Groups
    (Paper No. 4-6/2008) (43 mins, 7.38 MB)
  4. Matters arising (0:48 mins, 142 KB)
  5. Urban Design Study for the New Central Harbourfront Stage 2 Public Engagement
    (Paper No. 7/2008) (1:16:40 hr, 13.1 MB)
  6. Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link
    (Paper No. 9/2008) (27:28 mins, 4.71 MB)
  7. Temporary Use of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project Area
    (Paper No. 8/2008) (28:17 mins, 4.85 MB)
  8. Any other business (1:26 mins, 253 KB)

Secretariat, Harbour-front Enhancement Committee
June 2008