Success through consensus building

Welcome to the website of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee. The Harbour-front Enhancement Committee was formally established on 1st May 2004.
During the past century, Hong Kong had undergone progressive transformation from a fishing village to an entrepot, an industrial base and today an international financial centre. Reclamation was then often resorted to in providing land to meet various economic, transport, housing and social needs of the community of Hong Kong.
With the changing aspirations of the community, there have been increasing concerns over further reclamation and strong calls from various community groups for active steps to protect the Harbour.
In response to the community's aspirations for a common platform to discuss and put into action measures to protect the development of the harbour-front, including land use, design, accessibility and management matters, the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee has been set up to draw together community's aspirations and efforts, and focus on consensus building amongst multi-stakeholders in creating a vibrant harbour-front for the enjoyment of the community.
The Committee
The Committee advises the Government, through the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands on planning, land uses and developments along the existing and new harbour-front of the Victoria Harbour, with a view to protecting the Harbour; improving the accessibility, utilization and vibrancy of the harbour-front areas; and safeguarding public enjoyment of the Harbour through a balanced, effective and public participation approach. The terms of reference of the Committee are available at this website.
The Committee comprises broad-based representatives drawn from various professional institutes, harbour planning and development concern groups, business sector, and independent personalities so as to foster more balanced discussions on the harbour-front issues. The Members and I have been re-appointed from 1 May 2006 to 30 June 2007. The list of membership of the Committee is available at this webpage.
As part of its terms of reference, the Committee will consider and provide feedback to the Government on the reviews of the last two pieces of proposed reclamation projects within Victoria Harbour, namely (i) Wan Chai Development Phase II; and (ii) South-east Kowloon Development.
The Committee is also invited to provide suggestions to the Government on how to "Bring People to the Harbour and the Harbour to the People" - through various means to better utilize the existing and new waterfront (including the land reclaimed from the Central Reclamation Phase III), optimise the design and landscaping of both the existing and planned public open spaces, enhance pedestrian connection to the adjoining areas, provide more supportive and participatory facilities/functions at the waterfront, and introduce wider variety of land-based and water-based activities.
In response to community aspiration for greater involvement in the planning and design of the future harbour-front, the Committee will continue to identify, and/or commission projects/activities to involve the wider community in the planning, design, implementation and enjoyment of the harbour-front. Such activities may include exhibitions, roundtable meetings, public forums, workshops/seminars, competitions, and etc.
I understand the community has a high expectation of the Committee, and look forward to the Committee making concrete and tangible contributions towards improving the harbour-front. To enable members of the public to keep a close watching brief on our progress, the operation and proceedings of the Committee will be as open and transparent as practicable.
My Expectation
As Chairman of this Committee, I am delighted to have the opportunity to work closely together with representatives from professional institutes, harbour planning and development concern groups, green advocates, business sector, and independent personalities to achieve success through consensus building. Our efforts would be in the areas of beautifying the harbour-front, and creating an impact on harbour-front protection work.
I look forward to hearing from you and active participation by all members of the public in the work of the Committee.
Thank you.
Professor LEE Chack-fan
Harbour-front Enhancement Committee