Sub-committee on South East Kowloon Development Review - Meetings
Audio record of the fourth meeting
held on 13 December 2004
- Confirmation of minutes of the third meeting (1:04mins, 318KB)
- Matters arising (0:59mins, 291KB)
- Stage 1 Public Participation Report - overview of public comments
(part 1) (39:53mins, 11.68MB)
(part 2) (31:14mins, 9.15MB)
(part 3) (23:44mins, 6.95MB)
(part 4) (23:29mins, 6.88MB)
(part 5) (20:32mins, 6.01MB)
(part 6) (10:33mins, 3.09MB) - Any other business (0:46mins, 227KB)
HEC Sub-committee on
South East Kowloon Development Review
December 2004